It's been awhile! I would say that there's nothing much going on and that's why we've been so lazy about the updates, but it's been - yikes - 3 1/2 months, so we definitely have a few things to report on. Here's a little snapshot of what we've been up to since last we spoke:
Ashley's sister got married, in a truly wonderful, love-filled, exuberant weekend of fun:
Christmas happened. Three times.
We welcomed a new Resident Intern staff member, Sam, to join in on the themed parties, work projects and communal dinners.
We moved houses, to a place that's a pretty serious space upgrade from anywhere we've lived before: Hello 2 bedrooms and washer/dryer!
We've "joined" a Running Club - a group of 4-8 staff who go for desert runs 4-ish times a week - in preparation of a self-made half-marathon.
We volunteered for a day at a nearby camp in order to acquire free tickets to Disneyland, a trip that took 12 of us on everything from Space Mountain to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and ended, as all good Southern California excursions should, with Mexican food:
Three of our best friends from Boston came to town and we tore it up all through San Diego County - I think the final tally was 19 new places visited over 2 days.
We have taken up volleyball for the first time since, well, ever, as part of the Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels, an ever-rotating group of staff members that plays other teams from town in weekly volleyball matches. We're consistently bruised and attempting to pretend that we don't care about the outcome. Also, we won our first game (alas, not match) last week.
We complained a lot about the rain, except when it was giving us awesome animal tracks to share with kids or great snow conditions for ski trips to Big Bear.
And, finally, Trevor was named Summer Camp Director for the upcoming all-important summer camp season!
It's been a fun few months, and we'll try our very best to be better about keeping you informed about the next few!